Wednesday, August 22, 2007

It's been awhile.....

I haven't posted in a long time... and my daughter Alison made me feel guilty the other day when she mentioned that I have become like the anti- blogger. I just didn't think I had a whole lot to say... yet. We are still working on the plans for our store, still negotiating the lease, still waiting to see if the name we have chosen can be used via a tradmark search- and it goes on and on! I can't wait to come on this site and simply say- we are on our way! On a very positive note, everyone I have talked to about this concept is really excited. We need this in our area- and apparently many others feel that way too. So- I will continue to update and hopefully sooner than later. In the meantime, please send good thoughts our way and who knows? I may have some news soon!